• $ 950,000

- Interstate 80/Fallon Highway For Sale Lots and Vacant Land

- Interstate 80/Fallon Highway, Fallon, NV, 89406



This unique property is a great opportunity to invest in acreage next to Interstate 80, located at Trinity Junction at the Interstate 80 / Highway 95 turnoff to Fallon, NV. There are three parcels for sale in this listing totaling 594.49 acres. The legal description being: Section 17, Township 24 North, Range 29 East, Trinity Junction 1-80, Churchill County, Nevada, more specifically described as APN #005-121-01 (578.09-acres), APN #005-121-02(5.0-acres), and APN #005-121-03 (11.4-acres)


Land Information

Total acres
594.49 Acres


  Eddie Booth, Realtor

 Additional Options